Home Appliances Coming Our Way … Eventually
In 1950, General Electric predicted that the 21st century kitchen would have a thermoelectric collapsible refrigerator, an ice and water dispenser, and an automatic plastic dishmaker. For those counting, that’s one out of three successes.
In 2013, General Electric peered yet again into its crystal ball. The home of 2025 would have automatic kitchen composting, smart water sensors, induction cooking kitchen island surfaces, minimal dishwasher repair and so forth. But with apologies to General Electric, their anticipated technology for 2025 is already here.
Ultra-Efficient Air Conditioners
Air conditioners are rated by a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. After decades of politicking by the Clinton and W. Bush Presidential administrations, nationwide SEER standards were established for all new AC units: minimum SEER-14 in the muggy South, and minimum SEER-13 everywhere else. “Peanuts,” says Maytag, which developed the iQ Drive air conditioner with a 12-year warranty. Thanks to a variable compressor, it boasts a whopping SEER rating of 24.5, shavings hundreds of dollars off annual energy bills.
Smart WiFi Refrigerators
No longer a deaf and dumb ice box, the refrigerator is evolving into a new member of the household. Consider FirstBuild’s ChillHub, a $2,999 refrigerator with eight USB ports, an iOS smartphone and tablet app and built-in WiFi connectivity. Users can plug 3D-printed accessories into the USB ports, like a milk scale that records how much milk is left. The fridge’s Green Bean circuit bridge board allows users to create their own custom accessories. Competing for the title of “smartest refrigerator” is the LG RF874SBSS, a HomeChat-equipped refrigerator that uses a Smart View built-in camera to enable homeowners to check the meat compartment’s contents via their smartphone app.
Self-Heating Dishwasher
Zeolite is as close to X-Men’s adamantium and Avatar’s unobtanium as Mother Nature is likely to get. Zeolite is a microporous aluminosilicate crystalline mineral that heats up when it adsorbs water.
At an IFO exposition in Berlin, appliance manufacturer Bosch unveiled their newest idea: a dishwasher that uses the heat released by zeolite crystals to dry dishes. Once a new wash cycle starts, the zeolite releases its captured water, preparing itself for another dry cycle. It takes no electricity. It’s ingenious. Dishwasher repair just got that much easier. Unfortunately, the cheapest model costs minimum $1,500 and is currently only sold in India, Europe and Australia.
Kitchen Composting Unit
Mother Nature takes care of her own. Unfortunately, modern society rarely gives her the chance. Food scraps end their lives generating methane gas in landfills rather than replenishing the soil. Enter, instead, the NatureMill PRO XE automatic kitchen composting bin. The NatureMill PRO XE utilizes the power of thermophilic composting to recycle up to 120 pounds of waste every month.
Unfortunately, all home appliances, even ones with measurable IQ’s, still require repair. Call Dave’s Appliance Service at (262) 253-2200 if your washing machine leaks or your microwave fries everything within a 3-foot radius. We’ll fix it. If your zeolite crystals aren’t working, however, you’re on your own.