Vent Protection from Critter Invasions
The leaves are falling and temperatures are dropping, so autumn is on its way. With this change in season, however, comes a host of different critters that want to invade your home. They simply want a comfortable place to nest during the winter, but residents should do their part to make their property as critter-free as possible. In fact, a home’s vents are perfect pathways and nesting areas for critters, so they must be serviced by professionals, such as a Milwaukee dryer repair expert. Technicians can clean, adjust and stop these critters from making a home in your house this fall.
Tighten Vent Covers
The first task any professional will tackle is checking vents all over the home. Vents are found on the roof, exterior walls and even within the house. Each vent usually has four fasteners holding its corners to the structure. Over time, these fasteners can loosen from their positions. Critters take advantage of these loose vents and move right into the shaft behind them. Technicians simply need to tighten these fasteners and stop critters from moving into the structure.
Caulk Surrounding Gaps
Vents attached to structural openings can crack over time. These cracks could emanate outward from the opening, and they usually allow pests to enter the shaft as they widen in size. Repair personnel must fill these cracks after tightening the vents. Their filler of choice is normally caulk. They’ll squeeze an ample amount of caulk into the crevice and allow it to cure. Pests cannot get past these areas anymore when caulk is constantly applied where cracks arise.
Dryer Vents
When residents turn on their laundry dryer, all of that hot and humid air must be vented out of the appliance. Dryer exhaust vents are perfect locations for critters to nest because of the warm conditions present there almost every day. Ideally, repair personnel can add a mesh guard around the dryer vent to ward off any animal visitors. These guards allow the vented air to escape while stopping anything from entering the home.
Kitchen Air Holes
Every kitchen appliance has some air holes to vent any exhaust away from the home’s interior. Dishwashers, microwaves and even refrigerators have some air hole areas. Appliance technicians can always check on these air holes when they perform basic maintenance on the unit. Pests rarely enter these small holes, but they can in extreme cases. Mesh guards and other coverings must be properly installed by professionals to keep the appliances working efficiently. No pest should be able to nest within the home and damage appliances too.
There could be several vents you never even knew existed on your property, so take advantage of your next appointment with a Milwaukee dryer repair professional and ask many questions. Although they’re appliance experts, they must also have a strong background in overall household components to accurately service dryers, washers and other items. Covering and securing those household vents will keep the home free from pest problems until next year.
Photo by Ken Mayer from Flickr using Creative Commons license.