When is it Time to Have a Professional Service my Appliance?
Your appliance could run hundreds of cycles before any service is necessary. Today’s modern appliances are both tough and long lasting. However, there comes a time when you must contact a service professional for help, including refrigerator repair. In fact, there are several repair occasions you must be aware of to keep your appliance in top shape.
Frequent and Unusual Noises
The most obvious time to call an appliance professional is when unusual noises emanate from the machine. In these cases, shut off the machine and immediately contact a service technician. Unusual noises could mean a number of problems, including a loose or broken part. If a broken part continues to bounce around an appliance, for example, it can actually damage other sections. To curb any further problems, a repairman would evaluate the issue and repair it before any normal operation commences. Extra damage only leads to higher repair costs.
Within Warranty Period
An appliance may have a minor malfunction that you believe is fixable at home, but keep the machine’s warranty period in mind. You might void an appliance warranty by opening it. Then you should contact a professional to perform this type of repair work. Because it’s a warranty situation, most repairs are covered at no extra charge. However, only authorized personnel are allowed into new appliances for warranty coverage. If there’s any confusion over possible warranty repairs, it’s always best to steer clear of a DIY repair and call an expert. Updates, new parts and other components might be added to the repair as well to further enhance the product’s capabilities.
Internal Parts Access
Most appliances have tight internal housings with intricately attached parts. If appliance owners need to access a malfunctioning part that’s located far back from any access point, it’s time to call a professional. All appliances are designed with complex constructions that only professional service technicians should access. In fact, it’s possible to damage other parts as you try to reach deep internal areas. For example, you could knock a fan out of alignment by trying to reach a dislodged electrical harness. To maintain superior safety, it’s best to save any internal work for the experts.
Specialized Tooling Needs
In today’s technologically driven world, many appliances require specialized manufacturer tools to fix or adjust any malfunctioning parts. You won’t know if a particular tool is necessary when an unusual sound occurs within an appliance, so contact a professional to verify your repair needs. For example, internal fans could require shim tools to properly balance blades. Appliances retain their longevity when trained technicians apply precise tools to the repair. Extensive part failure could be possible without proper alignment and checking testing parameters.
Repair personnel shouldn’t be called just for emergencies. In fact, a refrigerator repair can actually be less costly with basic preventive maintenance visits. For professional service, contact an experienced repair professional to start a service contract for your household appliances. As a result, your washing machine, dryer or refrigerator will run with fewer problems as professionals evaluate them on a regular basis.
Picture: “Refrigeration comp and coil” by Kristoferb – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons.